Four Things to Consider Before Arm Lift Surgery

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Weight changes, aging, genetics, and lifestyle choices may affect the elasticity of your skin and where pockets of fat deposits tend to accumulate throughout your body. Despite best efforts to strengthen muscles and eat healthily, many individuals struggle with sagging or drooping upper arm tissue, which can be frustrating to deal with. Dr. John F. Burnett is a board-certified plastic surgeon who works with patients throughout Fresno, CA to help meet their aesthetic goals. One of his surgical techniques includes the highly sought-after arm lift surgery to tighten loose skin and reduce fat deposits of the upper arm for a more defined, contoured appearance.

What is arm lift surgery?

Arm lift surgery, or brachioplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that tightens sagging or loose skin, firms up muscle tissue, and reduces fat deposits in the area between the armpit and the elbow. The results include more defined, toned upper arms that are difficult to achieve through traditional diet and exercise. At John F. Burnett, MD, Dr. Burnett works with each patient to address their personal cosmetic goals and creates customized surgical plans to help them achieve gorgeous results.

Four things to consider before arm lift surgery

For new patients who’ve never participated in arm lift surgery, here are four things you should consider beforehand:

  • Arm lift surgery is an invasive procedure that requires recovery time to help optimize healing, prevent infection, and produce beautiful results. Plan your schedule accordingly and recruit help from friends or family for at least a couple of weeks.

  • Patients are required to stop smoking prior to surgery since active smoking increases the risk of infection and slows the body’s ability to heal properly. Consult with Dr. Burnett about how long your smoking cessation period should be.

  • Dr. Burnett can combine arm lift surgeries with other cosmetic procedures, including breast lifts or breast augmentation, for a fuller body-contouring experience. Discuss your full-body aesthetic goals during the initial consultation.

  • Arm lift surgery is a highly customized procedure, and the process and recovery will vary by patient.

Am I an ideal candidate for arm lift surgery?

Both men and women are excellent candidates for arm lift surgery if they:

  • Are at an ideal, healthy weight

  • Are planning to maintain their current healthy weight

  • Have realistic expectations about cosmetic surgery

  • Want to reduce sagginess or loose skin of the upper arm

  • Want to tighten the muscle tone of their upper arm

  • Want to reduce annoying fat deposits of the upper arm

Dr. Burnett will review your medical history to determine if you can safely participate in arm lift surgery.

How does the surgical process work?

Arm lift surgery is performed by Dr. Burnett, with the patient placed under general anesthesia. Small incisions are made between the elbow and the armpit, and fat deposits are removed. Then, muscle tissue and skin is manipulated into a flattering, contoured position. Once your surgery is complete, you may return home the same day to begin your recovery.

Is there a recovery time?

Patients are generally sent home with a tube insertion in their arm to drain excess fluids and to prevent infection. Many patients experience swelling, bruising, and tenderness which will subside within a couple of weeks. Within 1 – 2 weeks, many patients may start returning to work; however, it takes approximately 4 – 6 weeks to make a full recovery after arm lift surgery.

Will my results be long-lasting?

Arm lift surgery is designed to produce results that can potentially last for many years. If patients maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle, care for their skin, and follow their recovery protocol, they should experience beautifully contoured upper arms for a long time.

Learn more about arm lift surgery

If you reside in or near Fresno, CA and would like to learn more about the benefits of arm lift surgery, contact John F. Burnett, MD, and schedule an appointment today. Dr. Burnett will work with you to create your customized arm lift surgical plan based on your aesthetic and personal goals.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.